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Professor Yiping Hou and his delegation attended the international academic congress held in the Czech Republic

Post time:2019-10-18 Viewed:

Recently, Professor Yiping Hou,along with his delegation (25 people) went to Prague,Czech Republic to attend the 28thCongress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG), during which a series of academic exchanges with overseas experts were conducted:

1. The cooperation between our university and world-renowned universities in forensic science has been promoted based on extensive academic exchanges

A total of 12 topics were set up in congress including academic reports of the latest research in various fields demonstrated by 42 scholars from various countries. Led by Vice-president of Sichuan University, Professor Lin Zhang, the cooperation had been further consolidated between our university and Humboldt University, Berlin as well as the University of Cologne. Moreover, we planed to send two doctoral students to the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and one doctoral student to the University of Zurich, Switzerland for joint training in forensic science.

2. Academic reports were given at the congress by scholars from our university

In the 8thtopic, the representative of the lecturers, Ms Zhilong Li delivered speech about her academic research referring to the identification of body fluid stains through detecting miRNA, which was highly by the participants.

3.Poster exhibition facilitated academic communication during the congress

During the congress, 31 posters from our university were presented with discussion in batches according to the arrangement of the congress.

4. Chinese-speaking working group (CSWG) meetingwas held

Currently, ISFG has 8 working groups based on different languages such as English, German, French, and Chinese, as well as the DNA Commission and the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP).These working groups have become important platforms for academic exchange, negotiation of relevant special issues, quality control, and capability verification. As the chairman of the CSWG, Professor Hou hosted the CSWG meeting on 11thSeptember, with 63 representatives from 9 colleges and universities. Members of the meeting expressed their point of view during the meeting and the technical cooperation among them was further promoted.

5.Professor Houattended the editorial board meeting of the journalForensic Science International: Genetics

Professor Hou was invited to attend the editorial board meeting ofForensic Science International: Genetics(the journal is ranked first according to the IF, among forensic science journals in the world) held by the publisher Elsevier on 12thSeptember. In this meeting, Professor Hou was appointed as the editorial board member ofForensic Science International: Genetics.

During the congress, the teachers and students of forensic genetics from our university have broadened their horizons, gained inspiration for future scientific research and successfully completed the mission of international academic communication through exchanging their thoughts with experts and scholars from home and abroad.