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Dingzhi Fang

Post time:2020-06-02 Viewed:

Dr. FANG Ding Zhi, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Expert of National Workgroup for Medical Education of Foreign Students, Recipient of the First Supporting Program for Excellent Talent in the New Century, the Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China, Expert of National Licensing Examinations for 6 professions, Excellent Expert with Outstanding Contributions awarded by the Government of Sichuan Province, Key Member and Associate Secretary General of the Committee of lipids and lipoproteins, Chinese Association of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Editorial Board Member of BioScience Trends, an international English journal and Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

For the last 10 years, professor FANG Ding Zhi received 13 grants supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Sichuan Program for Sciences and Technology, the Specialized Research Foundation for Doctoral Programs at Universities and the others. Professor FANG Ding Zhi has published 88 articles as first author or corresponding author and co-authored 22 articles in Psychological Medicine, Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Aging Cell, PLoS ONE, J Nutritional Biochemistry, Mol Cell Biochem, Atherosclerosis, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, Scientific Reports, Oncotarget and some Chinese journals. He has published 1 book as the Editor-in-Chief, 8 text book as the Deputy Editor-in-Chief, and 11 books as the author. He has finished 4 national and international research projects and published 30 articles on medical education.