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Post time:2020-06-02 Viewed:

Title: Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering


Background: He got his Bachelor degree from Hebei Medical College in September, 1982, and Master degree from Xi’an Medical University in June, 1989, and in 1998 he obtained his Ph.D from Hebei Medical University. He was a visiting scholar in Shinshu University as in Japan in 1994.He was appointed as teaching assistant in Hebei Medical University. Later, he worked in Teaching and Research Section of Forensic Medicine as lecturer, associate professor and professor. He successively held the posts of director of the Teaching and Research Section of Forensic Medicine (Later developed as college of Forensic Medicine) He also worked as the Dean of Graduate School and Vice President of He bei Medical University. He was elected the member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2011,and is the dean of the college .

So far he has won 1 first prize and 2 second prizes in the National Scientific and Technological Progress Award; He Liang Heli Foundation Prize winner; published more than 460 papers, of which 102 were included in SCI, and the single highest impact factor was 40.197; 7 edited monographs and teaching materials ; 7 authorized invention patents, 2 software copyrights.

Research area: Forensic Medicine, Stress, Inflammation, Neuropeptide and Immune Regulation

Scientific Research Projects: A total of 44 scientific research projects have been chaired so far, of which 9 are the National Natural Science Foundation of China (1 key project), and 2 are the national science and technology support plans. The recent five years research under The National Natural Science Foundation of China are as follows:

1. Effect of drinking on cerebral artery remodeling in rats (580,000), National Natural Science Foundation of China (81172899), 2012-2015 project principal

2. Basic research on key technologies of mixed spot DNA analysis in gang rape cases (1 million), National Natural Science Foundation of China (81273348) 2013-2016 project principal

3. Molecular mechanism of rat amygdala and cardiomyocyte apoptosis induced by restraint stress (3.2 million), National Natural Science Foundation of China Key Project (81430047) 2015-2019 project principal

4. The genomics of opium poppy and the screening of highly specific genetic molecular markers (570,000), National Natural Science Foundation of China (81671876) 2017-2020 project principal

Published Academic Paper

1.Constituents from salvia species and their biological activities.CHEM REV, 2012,112(11): 5967–6026(SCI IF=40.197) Corresponding Author (cited176)

2.CCK8 negatively regulates the TLR9-induced activation of human peripheral blood pDCs by targeting TRAF6 signaling.EUR J IMMUNOL 2014, 44(2): 489-499. (SCI IF=4.518) Corresponding Author (cited5)

3.Hydrogen-rich saline attenuates anxiety-like behaviors in morphine-withdrawn mice.NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 2017, 118:199-208 (SCI IF= 5.012) Corresponding Author (cited7)

4.Molecular hydrogen attenuates metham- phetamine-induced behavioral sensitization and activation of ERK-ΔFosB signaling in the mouse nucleus accumbens.PROGNEURO-PSYCHOPH. 2019 Oct 17 online. ( SCI IF=4.20) Corresponding Author (cited0)

5.Population data using Precision ID Identity Panel in a Chinese Han population from Hebei Province.FORENSIC SCI INT-GEN 2019, 42:e27-e29 (SCI IF=4.884) Corresponding Author (cited0)


He is mainly responsible for the teaching of forensic medicine undergraduates "Forensic Evidence" and "Forensic Pathology". He is the person in charge of the national excellent course and excellent video public course of "Forensic Medicine", a famous teaching teacher in Hebei Province, He is also the person in charge of the pilot project of the comprehensive reform of forensic science talent cultivation and provincial forensic medicine specialty, and the deputy director of the teaching guidance committee of forensic medicine specialty of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Education. Editor-in-chief of national forensic textbooks "Forensic Pathology" and "Forensic Jurisprudence", and Deputy Editors of "Forensic Material Evidence" and "Forensic Medicine".

Other Information:

He is a part-time executive member of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia Committee, chairman of the Environmental Damage Assessment Expert Committee of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, director of the expert committee for the lead analysis of sampling inspection of special medical formula foods and special dietary foods of the State Food and Drug Administration. The Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Jiu San Society, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and the Deputy Chairman of the Constitution and Law Committee.