Department of Physiology
West China School of Basic Medical Sciences & Forensic Medicine,
Sichuan University
No.17 the 3rd section of South People Road, Chengdu, Sichuan Province
Phone Number : 028-85501276
Email: yuelimin@scu.edu.cn
1. 9/1999-6/2002 , Ph.D of Physiology, Sichuan University, China
2. 9/1984-9/1987, Master of Medical Sciences, West China University of Medical Sciences, China
3. 3/1978-12/1982 , Bachelor of Medical Sciences ,West China University of Medical Sciences, China
Working experiences
1. 12/1982-at present, Tearching of physiology and research of reproductive physiology,West China University of Medical Sciences and Sichuan University(at present)
2. 3/2003-12/2003, Visiting Scholar,Division of Reproductive and Developemental biology, Department of Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center,U.S.
3. 10/2002-3/2003, Visiting Scholar,Molecular and cell biology Department of molecular and cell biology,University of Texas,U.S.
Research interests:
1.The exression of progesteron dependent cyclin G1 and its roles in endometrial epithelial cells
2.The fast activation of estrogen on mouse blastocyct and its signaling pathway
3. Progesteron-induced MicroRNA inhibit the preliferation of endometrial epithelial cells
4.The role of PCSK9 in lipid metabolism and ovarian dysfunction in polycystic ovary syndrome and its mechanism
5, Identification of glucose transporters in endometrial epithelium and their roles in early embryonic devolopment and implantation.
Main Publications:
1. Zhang SM, Yu LL, Qu T, Hu Y, Yuan DZ, Zhang S, Xu Q, Zhao YB, Zhang JH,Yue LM.The Changes of Cytoskeletal Proteins Induced by the Fast Effect of Estrogen in Mouse Blastocysts and Its Roles in Implantation.Reprod Sci.2017, 24(12):1639-1646
2. Zhang S, Gao X, Fu W, Li S,Yue L. Immunoglobulin-like domain 4-mediated ligand-independent dimerization triggers VEGFR-2 activation in HUVECs and VEGFR2-positive breast cancer cells.Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2017,163(3):423-434
3. Nie L, Zhao YB, Pan JL, Lei Y, Liu M, Long Y, Zhang JH, Hu Y, Xu MQ, Yuan DZ,Yue LM.Progesterone-Induced miR-152 Inhibits the Proliferation of Endometrial Epithelial Cells by Down regulating WNT-1.Reprod Sci. 2017, 24(10):1444-1453.
4. Pan JL, Yuan DZ, Zhao YB, Nie L, Lei Y, Liu M, Long Y, Zhang JH, Blok LJ, Burger CW,Yue LM.. Progesterone-induced miR-133a Inhibits the Proliferation of Endometrial Epithelial Cells.Acta Physiol(Oxf).2016.219(3):683-692
5. Qu T, Zhang SM, Yu LL, Zhang S, Yuan DZ, Xu Q, Zhang JH, He YP,Yue LM. Relocalisation and activation of integrins induced rapidly by oestrogen via G-protein-coupled receptor 30 in mouse blastocysts.Reprod Fertil 2015 May 8. doi: 10.1071/RD14227
6. Yuan DZ; Yu LL; Qu T; Zhang SM; Zhao YB; Pan JL; Xu Q; He YP; Zhang JH;Yue LM. Identification and characterization of progesterone- and estrogen-regulated microRNAs in mouse.Reproductive Sciences, 2015, 22(2):223-234
7. Yu LL; Qu T; Zhang SM; Yuan DZ; Xu Q; Zhang JH; He YP;Yue LM.GPR30 mediates the fast effect of estrogen on mouse blastocyst and its role in implantation.Reproductive Sciences, 2015. 22(10):1312-1320.
8. Yuan DZ, Ding XL, Yu HL, Cheng Z, Tang XR, He YP, Zhang JH, Blok LJ, Hanifi-Moghaddam P, Burger CW,Yue LM. Progesterone-induced cyclin G1 inhibits the proliferation of endometrial epithelial cell and its possible molecular mechanism.Hormone and Metabolic Research. 2014, 46(11):761-767.
9. Liu F, Gao XP, Yu HL, Yuan DZ, Zhang JH, He YP,Yue LM.Expression of exogenous cyclin G1 in human endometrial carcinoma cells and its effect on their proliferation.Chinese Journal of Physiology (CJP).2013,56(2): 83-89
10. Liu F, Gao XP, Yu HL, Yuan DZ, Zhang JH, He YP,Yue LM.The role of progesterone and its receptor on cyclin G1 expression in endometrial carcinoma cells.Reproductive Sciences. 2012,19(11): 1205-1210
11. Lin-lin Yu, Jin-hu Zhang, Ya-ping He, Ping Huang, andLi-min Yue. Fast action of estrogen on intracellular calcium in mouse dormant blastocyst and its possible mechanism.Fertility and Sterility,2009,91(2): 611-615
13.Limin Yue, Takiko Daikoku, Xiaonan Hou, Meiling Li, Haibin Wang, Hiroshi Nojima, Sudhansu K. Dey, and Sanjoy K. Das. Cyclin G1 and cyclin G2 are expressed in the periimplantation mouse uterus in a cell-specific and progesterone-dependent manner: Evidence for aberrant regulation with Hoxa-10 deficiency.Endocrinology,2005,146(5): 2424-2433
14.Yue Limin,Zhang Lei, He Yaping, Zhang Jinhu, Zheng Jie, He Yanfang, Zheng Yu, Zhang Jie & Zhang Li. Reorganization of cytoskeletal proteins of mouse oocytes mediated by integrins.Science in China Ser: C Life Sciences, 2004,47(6): 540-544