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Department of Pathophysiology

West China School of Basic Medical Sciences & Forensic Medicine

Sichuan University


Department of Pathophysiology

West China School of Basic Medical Sciences & Forensic Medicine

Sichuan University

No.17, 3rd Section of Ren Min South Road, Chengdu, Sichuan province 610041,China


Prof. Huang Ying, female, a doctoral supervisor, MD (Pathology and Pathophysiology, Sichuan University), one of members in the Communist Party of China, serves as the Party branch secretary at West China School of Basic Medical Sciences & Forensic Medicine, in Sichuan University. She is a backbone teacher of Pathophysiology for 5-year program and 7-year program and 8-year program module pedagogical tasks, tilizing the PBL teaching mode in the teaching process. In addition, she has also undertaken the missions of functional experiment teaching and postgraduate courses. She has won many excellent Sichuan University undergraduate education quality prizes. She has published 10 teaching papers, edited 2 textbooks chiefly, and participated in compiling 20 textbooks or monographs (including 3 national planning textbooks), totaling over 650,000 words. As the project leader, she received the “ 12thFive-Year plan”, namely “The drug discovery initiative”, 1 national natural fund project and 1 project funded by Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Department. In addition, she has also involved in many national and provincial projects. More than 70 scientific research papers are published (18 in SCI journals cited by the first author or the corresponding author). She has also instructed undergraduates’ theses, innovation experiments and scientific research training. As a member of the research group, she has received the second prize of science and technology progress in the Ministry of Health , the Achievement Award of Eighth Five-Year Plan in National Scientific Key Project (1996) and the third prize of national science and technology progress in Sichuan province (2007). She has won the Youth Thesis Award of International Society for Heart Research (ISHR, Chinese chapter, 1994) and the youth backbone teacher awards of Sichuan University for many years.

Education and Training

1. 1985,9-1990,7:Shihezi Medical College /Medical College of Shihezi University, Medicine, Bachelor degree

2. 1990,9-1993,7:Xi 'an Medical University/Xi 'an Jiaotong University, Pathophysiology, MS

3. 2001,7-2004,6:Sichuan University, Pathology and Pathophysiology, MD

4. 1993,7-1998,4:Department of Pathophysiology,Xi 'an Medical University/ Medical School of Xi 'an Jiaotong University (teaching assistant, lecturer)

5. 1998,5-2009,6:Department of Pathophysiology,West China University of Medical Sciences / West China School of Basic Medical Sciences & Forensic Medicine in Sichuan University(lecturer, associate professor, professor, doctoral supervisor)

Area of Interest

Biological treatment of tumor,Pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease

Selected Publications

1. Huang Y, Wang SR, Yi C, Ying MY, Lin Y, Zhi MH. Effects of recombinant human growth hormone on rat septic shock of intraabdominal infection induced by E. coli.World J Gastroenterol 2002;8(6):1134-1137

2. Cheng YI, Ying HUANG, Zhi-ying GUO, Shu-ren WANG. Antitumor effect of cytosine deaminase/5-fluorocytosine suicide gene therapy system mediated by Bifidobacterium infantis on melanoma.Acta Pharmacologica Sinica,2005;26(5):629-634

3. YI Cheng, HUANG Ying, GUO Zhiying, WANG Shuren. Construction of Bifidobacterium Infantis/CD Targeting Gene Therapy System.The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology,2005;4(4):244-247

4. Yi C,Wang SR,Zhang SY,Yu SJ,Jiang CX,Zhi MH,Huang Y. Effects of recombinant human growth hormone on acute lung injury in endotoxemic rats.Inflamm Res, 2006;55(11):491-497

5. C Yi,Y CAO,SR Wang, YZ Xu, H Huang, YX Cui,Y Huang. Beneficial Effects of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone on Intestinal Mucosa Barrier in Septic Rats.Braz J Med Biol Res, 2007; 40 (1): 41-48

6. Liu TG,Huang Y,Cui DD,Huang XB,Mao SH,Ji LL,Song HB,Yi C. Inhibitory effect of ginsenoside Rg3 combined with gemcitabine on angiogenesis and growth of lung cancer in mice.BMC Cancer, 2009;9:250

7. Cui DD,Huang Y,Mao SH,Chen SC,Qiu M,Ji LL,Yi C. Synergistic antitumor effect of TRAIL and adriamycin on the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7.Braz J Med Biol Res, 2009;42(9):854-62.

8. Yi C,Cao Y,Mao SH,Liu H,Ji LL,Xu SY,Zhang M,Huang Y. Recombinant human growth hormone improves survival and protects against acute lung injury in murine Staphylococcus aureus sepsis.Inflamm Res, 2009;58(12):855–862

9. H Zhu, Z Li, S Mao, B Ma, S Zhou , L Deng, T Liu, D Cui, Y Zhao, J He, C Yi, Y Huang. Anti-tumor effect of sFlt-1 gene therapy system mediated byBifidobacterium Infantison Lewis lung cancer in mice.Cancer Gene Therapy, 2011;18(12):884-896

10. Li ZJ,Zhu H,Ma BY,Zhao F,Mao SH,Liu TG,He JP,Deng LC,Yi C,Huang Y. Inhibitory effect of Bifidobacterium infantis-mediated sKDR prokaryotic expression system on angiogenesis and growth of Lewis lung cancer in mice.BMC Cancer, 2012;12:155

11. Zhu H, Zhao F, Yu S, He J, Deng L, Yi C, Huang Y. The synergistic effects of low-dose irinotecan and TRAIL on TRAIL-resistant HT-29 colon carcinoma in vitro and in vivo.Int J Mol Med, 2012;30(5):1087-94

12. Zhang X, Zhao J, Zhu W, Gou H, Cao D, Yang Y, Huang Y, Yi C.Synergistic effect of subtoxic-dose cisplatin and TRAIL to mediate apoptosis by down-regulating decoy receptor 2 and up-regulating caspase-8, caspase-9 and Bax expression on NCI-H460 and A549 cells.Iran J Basic Med Sci, 2013;16(5):710-718

13. Zhu H,Huang M,Ren D,He J,Zhao F,Yi C,Huang Y. The Synergistic Effects of Low Dose Fluorouracil and TRAIL on TRAIL-Resistant Human Gastric Adenocarcinoma AGS Cells.Biomed Res Int, 2013;2013:293874.

14. Zhao F, Zhu H, Huang M, Yi C, Huang Y. The 765G>C polymorphism in the cyclooxygenase-2 gene and gastric cancer risk: an update by meta-analysis.Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014; 15(6): 2863-2868.

15. Zhao F, Cao Y, Zhu H, Huang M, Yi C, Huang Y.The -765G>C polymorphism in the cyclooxygenase-2 gene and digestive system cancer: a meta-analysis.Asian Pac J Cancer Prev,2014;15(19):8301-10

16. Zhou QX, Tang JQ, Zhao F, Wei FL, Huang Y. The P275A Polymorphism in the Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1 Gene and Prostate Cancer Risk: a Meta-Analysis.Asian Pac J CancerPrev,2015;16(13):5407-13.

17. Tang J, Zhou Q, Zhao F, Wei F, Bai J, Xie Y, Huang Y. Association of glutathione S-transferase T1, M1 and P1 polymorphisms in the breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis in Asian population.Int J Clin Exp Med, 2015;8(8):12430-47.

18. Huang M, Zhu H, Liu T, Cui D, Huang Y.Comparison of external radiotherapy and percutaneous vertebroplasty for spinal metastasis.Asia Pac J Clin Oncol, 2016;12(2):e201-8.

19. Zeng Y, Bai J, Deng LC, Xie YP, Zhao F, Huang Y.Association of the Glutathione S-transferase T1 Null Genotype with Risk of Gastric Cancer: a Meta-analysis in Asian Populations.Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2016;17(3):1141-8.

20. Yang A, Sun Y, Mao C, Yang S, Huang M, Deng M, Ding N, Yang X, Zhang M, Jin S, Jiang Y, Huang Y. Folate protects hepatocytes of hyperhomocysteinemia mice from apoptosis via cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-activated endoplasmic reticulum stress.J Cell Biochem, 2017;118(9):2921-