UTSW Medical Center (US),内科,博士后。
University of Minnesota (US),神经学,博士后。
UTSW Medical Center (US),内科,博士后。
University of Minnesota (US),神经学,博士后。
主要研究方向:基于转录及转录调控分析,探寻法医病理学中损伤/疾病的分子诊断靶点。通过单细胞/Bulk转录组测序及生物信息学分析,结合基因敲入/敲除、光遗传等Gain/Loss of Function研究方法,解析创伤性脑损伤、爆炸性脑损伤的病理机制。
1. 国家自然科学基金项目(82202077),负责人
2. 四川省人社厅特别资助项目(2022LF20),负责人
3. 四川省科技厅项目(23NSFSC4762),负责人
4. 成都市第二批科技项目(2022-YF05-01564-SN),负责人
5. 司法部重点实验室开放课题(KF202202),负责人
6. Yang, Q., ...Liang, W# & Chen, X#. (2023). Single-nucleus transcriptomic mapping uncovers targets for traumatic brain injury. Genome Research, 33(10), 1818-1832.(Nature Index, 5年IF: 10.86)
7. Chen X, ...Liu C. Comparative transcriptomic analyses of developing melanocortin neurons reveal new regulators for the anorexigenic neuron identity. Journal of Neuroscience. 2020 Apr 15;40(16):3165-77.(Nature Index,5年IF: 10.86)
8. Verma R, Chen X, ...Lu QR. Olig1/2-Expressing Intermediate Lineage Progenitors Are Predisposed to PTEN/p53-Loss–Induced Gliomagenesis and Harbor Specific Therapeutic Vulnerabilities. Cancer Research. 2023 Mar 15;83(6):890-905. (Nature Index, 5年IF: 12.8)
9. Zhang L...Liang W#, Chen X#. Single-nucleus transcriptomic mapping of blast-induced traumatic brain injury in mice hippocampus. Scientific Data. 2023 Sep 20;10(1):638. (Nature Series, 5年IF: 11.2)
10. Li, M.*, Chen, X.*, ... & Liang, W. (2023). Single-nucleus profiling of adult mice sub-ventricular zone after blast-related traumatic brain injury. Scientific Data, 10(1), 13. (Nature Series, 5年IF: 11.2)
11. Xu Y, ...Chen X#, Liang W#. Scientific evidences of calorie restriction and intermittent fasting for neuroprotection in traumatic brain injury animal models: a review of the literature. Nutrients. 2022 Mar 30;14(7):1431. (Q1, IF: 6.7)
12. Sun, Y., ...Chen X#, Liang W#. (2022). Optogenetics for understanding and treating brain injury: Advances in the field and future prospects. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(3), 1800. (Q1, IF: 6.02)
13. Yang Q, ...Chen X#, Liang W#. Single-cell transcriptome study in forensic medicine: prospective applications. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2022 Nov;136(6):1737-43.
14. 国家发明专利,陈夏梦;梁伟波;曹树强;李漫芮,ZL 2021 1 1385705.6
15. 国家发明专利,陈夏梦;梁伟波;曹树强;李漫芮,ZL 2021 1 1386826.2