1. 四川大学第五届教师教学创新竞赛正高组二等奖
2. 2022年获四川大学教学创新示范教师和示范课程(《医学免疫学II》)
3. 《健康和疾病中免疫学问题与应对》、《免疫与身心健康之美》被认定为四川大学课程思政榜样课程
4. 2019年度、2020年度、2021年度、2022年度四川大学本科教学课堂教学质量优秀奖
5. 华西基础医学与法医学院2022年第二届青年教师教学竞赛优秀指导奖
留学生课程《Medical Immunology》
1. 已获国家授权发明专利4项
2. 已发表论文60多篇,近年发表代表性文章如下(*通讯作者,#共同通讯作者):
Wang P, Hu J, Min S, Chen C, Zhu Y, Pan Y, Wei D, Wang X*. Recombinant Phaseolus vulgaris phytohemagglutinin L-form expressed in the Bacillus brevis exerts in vitro and in vivo anti-tumor activity through potentiation of apoptosis and immunomodulation. Int Immunopharmacol. 2023 Jun 1;120:110322.
Wang P, Hu J, Duan J, Min S, Chen C, Zhu Y, Pan Y, Wang Y, Wei D, Wang X*. Preparation of a novel monoclonal antibody against active components of PHA-L from Phaseolus vulgaris and its functional characteristics. BMC Biotechnol. 2022 Oct 29;22(1):32.
Wang P, Leng X, Duan J, Zhu Y, Wang J, Yan Z, Min S, Wei D, Wang X*. Functional Component Isolated from Phaseolus vulgaris Lectin Exerts In Vitro and In Vivo Anti-Tumor Activity Through Potentiation of Apoptosis and Immunomodulation. Molecules. 2021 Jan 18;26(2):498.
Wang Q, Wang PP, Zhang L, Tessema L, Bai L, Xu XL, Li Q, Zheng XL, Saxton B, Chen WS, Willink R, Li ZP, Zhang L, Belinsky SA, Wang X#, Zhou B#, Lin Y#. Epigenetic Regulation of RIP3 Suppresses Necroptosis and Increases Resistance to Chemotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Transl Oncol. 2020 Feb;13(2):372-382.