2021- 与多伦多大学免疫系Li Zhang教授实验室合作,进行“主要研究双阴性T细胞治疗多种癌症的效果及作用机制”的研究。
1. Wu M, Zhai S, Gao J., Wei D, Xue J, Zhou Y, Li N and Hu L, Diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma using a novel anti-glycocholic acid monoclonal antibody-based method. Oncology letters, January 2019;
2. Gao J., McIntyre MS, D’Souza CA, Zhang L., Pretransplant infusion of donor B cells enhances donor-specific skin allograft survival. Plos One, 2013 Oct. 28;
3. Gu P, Gao J, D'Souza CA, Kowalczyk A, Chou KY, Zhang L. Trogocytosis of CD80 and CD86 by induced regulatory T cells.Cell Mol Immunol. 2012 March;
4. Gao J, McIntyre MS, Juvet SC, Diao J, Li X, Vanama RB, Mak TW, Cattral MS, Zhang L. Regulation of antigen-expressing dendritic cells by double negative regulatory T cells. Eur J Immunol. 2011 Sep;
5. Ford McIntyre MS, Gao J (Co-first Author), Li X, Naeini BM, Zhang L. Consequences of double negative regulatory T cell and antigen presenting cell interaction on immune response suppression. Int Immunopharmacol. 2011 May;
6. Shalev I, Wong KM, Foerster K, Zhu Y, Chan C, Maknojia A, Zhang J, Ma XZ, Yang XC, Gao J, Liu H, Selzner N, Clark DA, Adeyi O, Phillips MJ, Gorczynski RR, Grant D, McGilvray I, Levy G. The novel CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cell effector molecule fibrinogen-like protein 2 contributes to the outcome of murine fulminant viral hepatitis. Hepatology. 2009 Feb;49(2):387-97;
7. Ford McIntyre, M. S., K. J. Young, J. Gao, B. Joe, and L. Zhang. Cutting edge: in vivo trogocytosis as a mechanism of double negative regulatory T cell-mediated antigen-specific suppression. J. Immunol. 2008 181:2271.
8. 《医学免疫学》,编委,四川大学出版社2017年出版.
9. 《黄帝内经养生智慧集》(2016年,中医古籍出版社出版,共5册)系列丛书中《排毒养生智慧》、《体质养生智慧》、《十二时辰养生智慧》、《疾病预测养生智慧》分册副主编.
10. 《人体内的战争:神奇的免疫与疾病》,副主编,四川大学出版社2021年出版.